Operation Vaxx-all Deplorables: Codename; “Satan’s Poker”

(source) What’s going on in Israel? Has anyone figured it out yet? Isn’t Israel the most vaccinated country in the world?It is.Haven’t half of all Israelis already been vaccinated?Yes, they have.Haven’t 90% of all Israelis over 60 (the age-group most likely to die from Covid) already been vaccinated?Yes. Then how did “Israel manage to double... Continue Reading →

Amy’s Journey from Pro-Choice to Pro-Life

(source) In 2005, I was pregnant with my first child. I was married to the love of my life, I was finished with college, we had a modest home in Pittsburgh that we were in process of purchasing, and life couldn't have been more perfect. EIGHT WEEKS: I knew that I had a reason to... Continue Reading →

Kevin MacDonald: “I’m not optimistic about the future of the West”

(source) Reposted from Demokracija (Slovenia). Written by  Andrej Sekulovič. We spoke with Kevin MacDonald, a professor emeritus of psychology at Long Beach State University of California. His research focuses primarily on the development of evolutionary perspectives on culture, developmental psychology and personality theory. You have a long career in psychology, as a Professor at California State University,... Continue Reading →

Where Are the Children?

(source) Suppose you asked a group of university students “What is the greatest problem facing the world today? Many might suggest climate change. Given our present battle with coronavirus, some might cite pandemics. Others would surely bring up overpopulation. Few, if any, would mention plummeting birth rates in developed countries. Nations as diverse as Poland,... Continue Reading →

The Eco-Gospel According to Saint Autistic Greta

(source) Teenage eco-evangelist Greta Thunberg, who has gone on school-strike to force politicians to 'panic' about 'climate change,' has addressed the House of Commons and even met the Pope, has proved such a hit among like-minded individuals that she is regarded as a living saint. Environmentalism is fast becoming a religion, and there is even... Continue Reading →

Childless “Future” of Europe

(source) European politicians prefer not thinking that future is impossible without children, which is a bad example for people. The heads of leading European countries, all of them do not have their own children: Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May, President of France Emmanuel Macron, ex-Prime Minister of... Continue Reading →

The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation

Making the Earth “more livable” for Western children that will never be born (source) It’s clear that there is a conscious scheme to control the human population through both cultural and biological means, which allows the elite to sustain or elevate their power and wealth. If you live in a Westernized nation, you have been bombarded with... Continue Reading →

Why White Men Fall for Asian Women

(source) In places as different as multicultural Paris and rural Germany, I have met white men who have dated and even married Asian or Indian women. Why would tall, high-IQ, good-looking European men who have plenty of options prefer black haired, dark-brown eyed, exotic woman to native Nordics? It seems that all these men started... Continue Reading →

Is The Flu Shot An IQ Test To Eliminate Stupid People?

thedailysheeple.com/video-is-the-flu-shot-an-iq-test-to-eliminate-stupid-people_122017 Is the flu shot a nationwide IQ test or experiment being run by globalists to “thin the herd” and eliminate people who are stupid enough to line up for flu shots?  One YouTube channel has tackled this very issue, and their take on it is extremely unnerving. The Health Ranger uploaded a video back in... Continue Reading →

Millions Miss Out on Joys of Grandparenting by Following Liberal Lies on Abortion

townhall.com/columnists/jerrynewcombe/2017/12/07/millions-miss-out-on-joys-of-grandparenting-by-following-liberal-lies-on-abortion-n2419308 An acquaintance once asked Winston Churchill if he had shown the statesman a picture of his grandchild. Churchill replied, saying something like: “No. And I have forgotten to thank you for that.” I must confess to being an overly satisfied grandparent. It is an unbelievable blessing and joy. But tragically, tens of millions of... Continue Reading →

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