Gender Psychosis

(source) I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often sprout into existence as a form of revenge against the crumbling elites who dictated the old taboos. And I distinctly... Continue Reading →

Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile: Hommunism

(source) You know the saying that is often meant for children, “Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Let me refresh your memory: In the 80’s, homosexual activists wanted to be left alone and not discriminated against. Sounded fair enough. So they got lawmakers to amend the Illinois Human Rights Act. And that opened... Continue Reading →

The Rise of Homosexual Family Madness

(source) A British man now living in Florida who freely chooses to be in a type of erotic union that is by design sterile believes it is his right to create children who will have no connection to their mothers and no certainty about who their father is. Here is his morally repugnant, convoluted story.... Continue Reading →

“Gender-Affirming” Surgery Doesn’t Really Improve Mental Health. So Why Are the Study’s Authors Saying It Does?

(source) Mark Regnerus writes: A new study appearing last month in the American Journal of Psychiatry concluded that “gender-affirming” surgery is associated with reduced demand for subsequent mental health treatment in a sample of persons diagnosed with “gender incongruence.” Predictably, such news received wide media interest and coverage. And yet even a cursory reading of the study itself tells... Continue Reading →

Me, Me, Me narcissism of the trans movement

(source) The intolerance of trans activists stems from our Me, Me, Me culture. ‘Professors bullied into silence as students cry transphobia.’ So ran a headline in The Sunday Times at the weekend. According to the report, more than a dozen academics, including several feminist professors, fear their voices are being silenced by students complaining that they are transphobic. They... Continue Reading →

A professor at Harvard Law and a true SJW (which makes this whole story a lot sweeter) Gets Lesbian Pregnant and Gets Punked by Lesbian’s Trans Lover And Her Boyfriend

Men are stupid. There. I said it. I said it despite being a man. (source) Because as long as a woman meets a minimal floor of aesthetic appeal she can convince a man that he’s incredibly attractive and charming. That floor, of course, is a function of the desperation of the man to feel attractive,... Continue Reading →

From ‘Bake My Cake’ to ‘Wax My Testicles’

(source) Surely we live in the best of all possible worlds — or at least in the best of all possible Canadas: A B.C. Human Rights Tribunal hearing devolved into repeated outbursts and name-calling this week as it considered a transgender woman’s complaint that a home-based salon discriminated against her by denying her a Brazilian... Continue Reading →

Ignorance, Fear, and LGBTQ

(source, written by Lloyd Marcus) Mary and I met with several relatives for dinner at a restaurant in Baltimore. The jovial conversation drifted to politics. I was stunned that they know nothing about several important political issues. Because they only watch mainstream media, my relatives are either misinformed or uninformed. My relatives have never heard of... Continue Reading →

Violence and Homosexuality

(source) In 1992 two Jeffersonville, Indiana lesbians, aged 17 and 16, abducted a 12-year-old girl whom they accused of trying to “steal a girlfriend.” The little girl was pushed into the trunk of a car, stabbed repeatedly, and beaten with a heavy metal bar. While still struggling, they poured gasoline on her and set her... Continue Reading →

Why I supported my autistic daughter’s social transition to a man (and I regret)

(source) FightingToGetHerBack lives in the United States with her husband and 17-year old daughter Zoe. Four years ago, Zoe made the surprise announcement that she was transgender. FightingToGetHerBack shares her personal story to illustrate how even smart, educated parents can be emotionally blackmailed into supporting their children’s transition.   For almost a year, I actively supported my... Continue Reading →

Gay agenda iluminata

The illuminati gay agenda is a deceptive strategy with demands we neither want nor consent such as the anti-family, anti-heterosexual, anti-God and anti-society policies. by Mark C I am a gay man fully awake to the New World Order plan. I am not a lone voice speaking out in the gay community. The majority of... Continue Reading →

What’s Next on the ‘Gay’ Agenda after Transgenderism?

Pride Month erupted across North America with more fanfare than usual, with the Left strangling itself with the noose of intersectionality and once-celebratory marches devolving into brawls between Black Lives Matter, trans activists, and even pro-Palestinian marchers (who successfully got the Jews kicked out of Chicago’s “Dyke March”). Understandably, activists who once defined their movements... Continue Reading →

Corrosive Effect of Homosexual Christians for Conservatives

Prager University (PragerU) was started in 2009 by Dennis Prager as a way to circumvent the left-leaning educational universe and bring conservative ideas to the public in general but especially to young people. This week, PragerU released a deeply disappointing video featuring Guy Benson, political editor for Townhall Magazine and frequent contributor on Fox News Channel. Guy Benson is immensely gifted. He... Continue Reading →

My wife wants a homosexual child

(source) They said that accepting gay "marriage" and homosexuality will not affect the marriage of normal people and the rest of society. Well, I doubt that this what I found in a parenting forum would happen without it. The question was asked in a forum by user28091: "We are planning to have our first child in about... Continue Reading →

Transgenderism Is an Intellectual Disease

(source) Far more than any other animal, the human being is able to gain some control over nature. It is an extraordinary accomplishment. The problem is that this special ability comes with a tendency to refuse to recognize natural limits. Then our unique mastery aspires to be absolute, and instead of controlling nature, we vainly... Continue Reading →

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