The Most Dangerous Countries In Europe For Women Have Large Muslim Immigration

(source) At 120.79 violent sexual assaults per 100,000 people, and 56 rapes per 100,000, the otherwise bleak socialist Sweden ranks as having the second highest rate of sexual violence in Europe.

What makes SWEDEN so exceptionally dangerous for women?

Its militant feminism is embedded in its political culture and its educational system. Sweden has boasted of a “feminist foreign policy”, 61% of Swedes in one survey identified as feminists and hold the strongest views on “gender equality” of any Europeans. Swedes are the most likely to believe that it’s okay for men to cry. Only 11% believe that women should take care of the home and only 10% believe that it’s a man’s job to support his family.

A local branch of the Left Party in Sweden even demanded that men urinate while sitting down.



And then there are the Czechs,  just 13% identify as feminists, 77% think that a woman’s place is in the home, yet the sexual assault rate is 7.79 per 100,000, a tiny fraction of feminist Sweden.

If the real issues were feminism and toxic masculinity, if sufficient educational indoctrination about the evils of masculinity is needed to “teach men not to rape”, women should be safest in Sweden. So what went wrong?

Neighboring FINLAND

Instead of traveling from Stockholm to Prague, let’s take a closer trip over to neighboring Finland. 1/3 of Sweden’s rape rates – 1/3 of Sweden’s muslim population

Finland has a third of Sweden’s rape rates and a quarter of its sexual assault rates. Its numbers are still far higher than most of Europe, but nowhere near those of Sweden.

What could possibly explain the difference?

Finland is also fairly feminist, but the Muslim proportion of its population is only a third of Sweden. Finland has a third of Sweden’s Muslim population proportion and a third of its rape rate.

SWEDEN: 2nd highest muslim population and 2nd highest sexual assault

Sweden has the second highest non-indigenous Muslim immigration population rate in Europe and the second highest sexual assault rate in Europe. It would be foolish to pretend that this is a coincidence.

UNITED KINGDOM (UK): 1st highest sexual assault and the most dangerous place for women in Europe

Take Ireland and the United Kingdom. The UK tops even Sweden in Europe’s sexual assault and rape statistics. At 130.96 per 100,000 for sexual assaults and 50.68 per 100,000 for rapes, the United Kingdom is the most dangerous place for women in Europe. One analysis claims that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted and that 3.1% of women were assaulted in just the last year.

Neighboring IRELAND

But then why do the numbers for nearby Ireland look so strikingly different? Like Finland, Ireland’s numbers are high, but nowhere near as high as those in the United Kingdom.

The UK’s sexual assault and rape rates are roughly four times as high as those of Ireland. And at 6.3% versus 1.4%, the difference in Muslim population percentages is in almost perfect proportion.

London, with its great diversity, has the highest rape rate within the United Kingdom.

Finland was once part of Sweden. Ireland was once part of the United Kingdom. Unlike comparing distant countries where differences can be accounted for by a great variety of factors, Finland and Ireland serve as a kind of control group measuring the impact of immigration on Europe.

BELGIUM: 3rd heighest sexual assault -> 3rd heighest muslim population

Belgium, which hosts the capitals of the European Union and of Islamic terrorism, is in third place. At 65.92 sexual assaults and 25.50 rapes per 100,000, women are unsafe in the capital of the EU. Meanwhile Hungary, the country in the news for its clashes with the EU over admitting Muslim migrants, has a sexual assault rate of 2.45 and a rape rate of 3.82.

Belgium has the third highest Muslim population rate and the third highest sexual violence rate.

Brussels has a thousand programs and regulations pushing feminism. Hungary has a wall. The lesson from Sweden and Brussels is that if you want to stop rape, professional feminism doesn’t work, walls do.

At 0.86, Serbia has one of the lowest sexual assault rates in Europe. And at 8.8, France has one of the highest.

Eastern European countries, generally not known for their militant feminism, have low rates while the more “progressive” Western European countries suffer from very high rates.

NETHERLANDS: 4th highest muslim population -> 4th heighest sexual assault

The Netherlands has the fourth highest sexual assault rate in Europe and the fourth highest non-indigenous Muslim population rate. Germany has the sixth highest assault rate and the sixth highest Muslim population rate. Not all the numbers add up so well, but those that do are quite disturbing.

Exceptions: Low muslim population – high sexual assault

There are European countries with low Muslim population rates, but high sexual assault rates. Portugal, Finland and Latvia are all examples.

No European country with high muslim immigrant and low sexual assault

But there is no European country that has a high Muslim immigrant population and a low rate of sexual violence. All of the top Muslim immigrant countries are in the red.

The differences are sometimes striking when measuring culturally dissimilar neighbors.

GERMANY: 6th highest muslim population -> 6th heighest sexual assault

Germany sits next door to Poland. Sexual assaults in Germany clock in at 33.55 while in Poland, they’re at 1.40. Muslims make up 6.1% of Germany and less than 0.1% of Poland.

Muslim population of ancient islamisation

The statistics suggest that the key factor is not necessarily a high Muslim population, but a high Muslim immigrant population.

Bulgaria has a sizable Muslim population that has been living there for a very long time. And its sexual violence rates are quite low. It’s particularly immigrant populations coming from societies with a very different set of Islamic mores that lead to epidemics of sexual violence.

Massive immigration

European countries with ancient Muslim populations don’t appear to have large sexual assault rates. It’s the countries that admitted large numbers of Muslim migrants in a matter of decades that are suffering.

Islamic doctrines and Arabic cultural mores that permit, explicitly or implicitly, the sexual assault of non-Muslim women who are not dressed properly or walk unaccompanied by a male relative, are pernicious. And Muslims rapists in Europe and Australiahave cited belief and culture in their defense. But mass migration is often inherently disruptive, breaking down values and trust in stable communities.

  • Sweden has the second highest non-indigenous Muslim population rate in Europe and the second highest sexual assault rate in Europe.
  • Belgium has the third highest Muslim population rate and the third highest sexual violence rate.
  • The Netherlands has the fourth highest sexual assault rate in Europe and the fourth highest Muslim population rate.
  • Germany has the sixth highest assault rate and the sixth highest Muslim population rate.

Are all of these numbers just a random coincidence?

Feminist government policies don’t stop sexual violence. Not when the same feminist governments open the borders to mass migrations from countries where women have no legal or cultural rights.

The more open a European country is to Muslim mass migration, the more dangerous it is to women.

7 thoughts on “The Most Dangerous Countries In Europe For Women Have Large Muslim Immigration

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  1. Seems to be an almost perfect correlation between percentage of Muslim immigrants and the rate of sexual assault. I really don’t understand how anyone can argue that the two are coincidental and unrelated, although I would wager that there are some out there that would make such an argument. These are probably the same people who say that a child suddenly becoming autistic just hours or days after being vaccinated is just a “coincidence”. “Correlation doesn’t prove causation” they always say, but what they won’t say is that you can’t possibly have causation without correlation. The fact that correlation exists to such a high degree should certainly entitle one to suspect causation, and not just dismiss it out of hand without any compelling argument for doing so.

    This is one of the biggest reasons why I am anti-“liberal”. I have yet to see any evidence that either feminism or multiculturalism (aka “open borders”) produces a safer, more harmonious society. Isn’t that the goal of social engineering programs? If not, then what is the goal? To me it looks like the goal is the exact opposite of having a more amicable society. If this is the case, then what kind of people argue for feminism or multiculturalism?

    Not any kind of people I want to hang around!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on larrysmusings and commented:
    This reblogged post postulates a link between sexual assaults against women and recent Muslim immigration to Europe, but, could there be another factor in play? Do radical feminist policies foster a social environment that is less safe for women?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Larry, my first inclination is that feminism does NOT produce an environment that is conducive to rape or sexual assault of women. Almost all (female) feminists are horribly unattractive to me. Think Bella Abzug or Betty Friedan. (Gloria Steinem is an exception.)

      But it’s not just physical looks. Who wants to get chummy with someone that is screaming or acting aggressively all the time?

      I would think that feminism in itself deters the chance of sexual assault, which would make the case for Muslim immigrants being the source of the problem that much more compelling.

      It should go without saying that if police were only allowed to list the ethnicity of all sexual offenders, that we would know the answer to this question of Muslim immigrant rape, and wouldn’t need to guess whether there is a direct connection between the two.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stephen, my wording may not have been very clear. Perhaps, I might have said that feminism can be an additional factor to consider. All the identity politics perpetual victim groups band together and seem to all agree on almost all points of the liberal agenda. I bet the majority of feminists back these open door policies for Muslims coming to Europe in large numbers.

        But, that aside, I do think that aggressive, radical feminism that increases enmity between men and women does help to lessen the respect that men have for women in society. It may be that men who are so often attacked for being normal heterosexual men these days because they are (thus) part of the cursed “patriarchy” lose respect and concern for women in general. We do not see European men in significant numbers coming forward in any meaningful way to counter this growing rape subculture in Europe. (Perhaps decades of feminism have served to psychologically emasculate some of these men, or have driven them to apathy and indifference.)

        Liked by 2 people

      2. “We do not see European men in significant numbers coming forward in any meaningful way to counter this growing rape subculture in Europe. (Perhaps decades of feminism have served to psychologically emasculate some of these men, or have driven them to apathy and indifference.)”

        If men were psychologically healthy and not emasculated by feminism, I believe they would not hesitate to come to the defense of their women from Muslim rapists. This is part of what defines manhood in fact, being a protector of not just his wife but the whole family. But feminists appear to not want men to be men. In so doing, they end up taking on the very characteristics that they despise (“toxic masculinity”). And women who are more-or-less “normal” and don’t fit into this mold often end up being sexual assault victims, because there aren’t enough men around to defend them, which in turn is the result of feminism. So in that sense, yes I believe the feminist culture of many (mostly Western) European countries DOES contribute to the Muslim rape epidemic, because men are discouraged from being their natural (or God-given) selves as protectors of women. But I also think that a LOT of western European men are waking up to this reality, and deciding that they are not at all comfortable with being wimps and cowards. So they are starting to stand up for themselves, their nation’s culture and traditions, and their women. It’s truly a sight for sore eyes to see!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. “A local branch of the Left Party in Sweden even demanded that men urinate while sitting down.” One wonders how they might enforce that one!


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